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Meet Dr. Nathan Bennett, D.C.

Get well, stay well, and thrive…

Cooperative Chiropractic is excited to have Dr Nathan Bennett in our Marietta office.  He joins our practice with an education in Advanced Muscle Integration Technique. No matter which chiropractor you see, Dr Bennett will be available to ” turn on” those problem muscles, enabling you to get the very most out of your body.

Dr Bennett’s Experience with Chiropractic

Dr. Bennett’s journey to being a Chiropractor started in 2015 after his wife, Kelsey, recommended that he go and see her Chiropractor for a knee problem he had been having while cycling. Dr. Bennett went and saw Dr. Josh Christensen who is a certified A.M.I.T Chiropractor
in Farmington, Utah. Two weeks after treatment began, he no longer had any knee pain at all and to his dismay, his right elbow pain from several injuries playing collegiate baseball was completely gone as well. Though he didn’t understand what Dr. Christensen did he knew he
wanted to be able to affect others’ lives in the same way Dr. Christensen affected his. So, He applied to Life University, the largest Chiropractic school in the world and spent 3.5 years putting his time, effort, and desire into studying Chiropractic, AK, and A.M.I.T so that he can get
to the root cause of his patient’s problems (structural, chemical, emotional) and assist them in getting well, staying well, and thriving with health throughout their lifetime.


A Chiropractic Education

Nathan W. Bennett D.C, PAK, Certified A.M.I.T practitioner graduated from Life University June 2019. While at Life University, He sought further education outside the classroom in Applied Kinesiology (AK) and Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (A.M.I.T). He spent over 400 hours studying AK and an additional 150+ hours studying A.M.I.T. He earned both certificates as a Professional Applied Kinesiologist and a certified practitioner of Advanced Muscle Integration Technique.


On a Personal Note

Dr. Bennet has been married to his wife Kelsey since May 2014. They had their beautiful daughter Quinn in June 2018. They are both original residents of the Salt Lake area in Utah.
They enjoy spending time outdoors hiking, climbing, fishing, and hunting, as well as watching Kelsey’s Cobb Atlanta Volleyball team.

Enough about us! How can we help you with today’s safe and natural chiropractic care? Give our Marietta office a call so we can help you take your first step towards better health.

Chiropractor Marietta | (770) 422-5052